I love my husband dearly and there is no one who I rather hang around with...
I love my church and my church family...
The little ones at church mean so much to me...
I love being at home...
I appreciate all the blessings I have from God...
I appreciate the valleys he puts me thru...
I always want to be a help to anyone in need...
I really like who I am and what I stand for...
I will always have one true friend who loves me and is always there to hear my problems, my needs,and show me which way to go...
I am a wonderful person, no matter how people try to drag me down, make me feel confuse and not wanted...the Lord loves me and watches out for me...
I need to always stay grounded in my faith and not let things get me down...as long as God is pleased with me and sometimes he isn't and he loves me enough to chastise me, what else matters if I love people and I am good to them...and I try to live close to him every day...I know I am leaving foot steps in the sands of time....